Neidio i'r prif gynnwys

Apply to the Music Revenue Fund | Creative Wales

The Music Revenue Fund is a scheme to help music businesses in Wales to improve their commercial outlook and sustainability.

Up to £40,000 is available to applicants that will benefit from the support due to financial constraints.

As part of our wider programme of support for the music industry, the focus of this round is to help music businesses with:

  • campaigns for new releases
  • promoting live music
  • sync and catalogue music
  • Welsh-language music.

Its ultimate aim is to contribute to the growth and development of our diverse music industry in Wales.

More info HERE 
(Creative Wales)


Cofrestrwch ar gyfer Dinas Gerdd Caerdydd i dderbyn diweddariadau cyffrous yn ymwneud â cherddoriaeth, digwyddiadau, pethau i'w gwneud a mwy gan y tîm. Mae Gŵyl Dinas Gerdd Caerdydd yn un o nifer o brosiectau gan Ddinas Gerdd Caerdydd, a reolir gan Gyngor Caerdydd.